Our Partners

In the Driftless Area of southwest Wisconsin, strong local partnerships with conservation-minded landowners and active communities work to protect the precious natural resources of the area for their own sake – and for the economic, health, aesthetic and other human benefits they provide. We work cooperatively with these partners to achieve a state of harmony between people and land, as sought by the great conservationist and Wisconsin native, Aldo Leopold.

We have forged a strong and broad array of partnerships to address the myriad conservation challenges found in our nine-county service area. Our partners include:


The Archaeological Conservancy

Blufflands Coalition

City of Onalaska 

City of La Crosse

Coulee Region Audubon Society

County Land & Water offices

Crawford Stewardship Project

Friends of the Black River

Friends of the Blufflands

Friends of the Holland Sand Prairie

Friends of Little Bluff

Friends of the La Crosse River Marsh

Friends of the Refuge – Mississippi River Pools 7 & 8

Friends of Trempealeau Lakes

Gathering Waters

Kickapoo Valley Reserve

La Crosse Parks and Recreation

Land Trust Alliance

Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center

National Wild Turkey Federation

The Nature Conservancy in Wisconsin

The Nature Place

Pheasants Forever

The Prairie Enthusiasts

Trout Unlimited

River Alliance of Wisconsin

Savanna Institute

Strive2Thrive Coulee Region

Sustainability Institute

Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife & Fish Refuge

Valley Stewardship Network

Wildcat Mountain State Park

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Wisconsin Ducks Unlimited

Wisconsin Prescribed Fire Training Exchange

Wisconsin Women in Conservation

Wisconsin Wetlands Association