Kickapoo Bottoms

The Kickapoo Bottoms Property is an 85-acre tract of land along the Kickapoo River and adjacent to the Crawford County Fairgrounds. According to the Wisconsin Land Legacy Report, the Kickapoo River is described as “one of the most diverse assemblages of natural communities in the state,” and is noted to support breeding populations of birds and to provide habitat for many rare species of plants and animals.
This Property includes 4700 feet of frontage on the Kickapoo River and is open to the public and to area school groups. This land was purchased with funds from the State of Wisconsin’s Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program.
Public access
Bikes and dogs are NOT allowed. Visitors must follow our recreational use policy as well as all federal and state laws and local ordinances. When visiting protected lands, please avoid trespassing onto the lands of neighboring property owners.
From La Crosse, WI, head south on 35 passed Ferryville. Turn left onto 171 towards Gays Mills. In Gays Mills turn right onto 131 towards the Crawford Co. Fairgrounds. Turn right into the fairgrounds and continue straight. Parking is on the right near the corral.