LA CROSSE, WI – October 23, 2020 – Gathering Waters, Wisconsin’s alliance for land trusts, presented the 2020 Land Conservation Leadership Land Legacy Award to the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration (FSPA) at Villa St. Joseph, La Crosse.
The Land Legacy Award honors FSPA’s generous support of Mississippi Valley Conservancy and the organization’s dedication to land and water protection in La Crosse and the surrounding Driftless Area, along with FSPA’s mission to care for creation through advocacy and social change, while modeling sustainability and healthy lifestyles.
“The Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration exemplify ‘Creation Care’ on many levels,” said Executive Director Carol Abrahamzon. “They support Mississippi Valley Conservancy each year and have risen to the call for special projects, including our land protection and educational outreach and recreation programs. Through FSPA’s dedication to stewardship of the land and water around us, they help to ensure a healthy future for all who live, work, and play in this unique region.
The Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration model the Franciscan tradition of care for creation, based on Francis of Assisi, Patron Saint of Ecology. As part of that stewardship, FSPA models long-range sustainability and land management plans for the 200+ acres of bluff woods and cropland they own in St. Joseph, just a few miles outside of La Crosse.
Globally, FSPA supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and Laudato Si Pope Francis’ encyclical (letter) on environment and human ecology. These efforts promote global prosperity while protecting the planet by focusing on energy, consumption, climate action, and water quality.
“We are thankful for the leadership of organizations like the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration," said Mike Carlson, Executive Director of Gathering Waters. “The organization cares deeply for the land, water, and natural resources in its care and shares that passion with others through monetary support and education while promoting social change and healthier lifestyles.”