A paperback book by
Gary G. Ruhser and Jean C. Beyer Ruhser
Including 99 color photos with accompanying nature writings by the authors.
Available now on Amazon for $28.95 if you are Prime members, otherwise with additional shipping charges. Signed copies are available directly from the authors for $20 if you live nearby, or for $27 if your copy must be shipped by us. This book is not available from your local bookstore; the 8.25 x 6-inch size of this book does not meet distribution requirements.
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From the back cover of the book:
In For Love of Nature, two naturalists share their passion for nature through their own photographs and accompanying written descriptions. The pictures are an eclectic collection of sightings showing aspects of nature that many can witness if they are equally observant. The world illustrated in this book is imperiled by overuse and destruction by our species.
For Love of Nature is a small effort to engage readers, especially young people, in cherishing and preserving what remains of our natural heritage. Join the authors in viewing the ordinary, the unusual, and the beautiful while learning more about the natural world that sustains all life.