Devil's Backbone State Natural Area

Devil’s Backbone State Natural Area includes 165 acres of diverse Mississippi River blufflands. A steep hike up the face of the bluff will take you to the ridgetop and incredible scenic views of the Mississippi River corridor. It was permanently protected by Mississippi Valley Conservancy in purchases of three separate tracts in 2007, 2010, and the most recent addition in 2021. It was designated a State Natural Area by the DNR in 2011. In 2021, an additional tract of 40 acres was added to the property through a purchase by the Conservancy with funding from Wisconsin's Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program, the Paul E. Stry Foundation, and member support.
The site is unusual in that there is nothing but a narrow gravel road and railroad tracks between it and the Mississippi River. Consequently, it's a wild and peaceful spot. The property provides habitat for many native species of plants and animals.
Public access
Bikes and dogs are NOT allowed. Visitors must follow our recreational use policy as well as all federal and state laws and local ordinances. When visiting protected lands, please avoid trespassing onto the lands of neighboring property owners.
165 acres of diverse blufflands
From La Crosse follow HWY 35 south past Prairie Du Chien to US-18. Continue on US-18 for .5 miles across the Wisconsin River then turn right/west onto County Rd C and left/south onto County Rd X then turn right onto County Rd P toward Bagley. From just outside of Bagley take County Rd A to Dugway Rd. Continue on Dugway Rd for 3 miles to address 13212 Dugway Rd. Parking is on the left.
The land is adjacent to Chase Creek and can be accessed from Dugway Road off of County Rd A south of Bagley and north of Glen Haven, WI.